
Hair loss treatment.

Hair loss is progressive and devastating for both, men and women. It can start at young age and lead to permanent baldness. That’s why the early diagnosis and treatment make for best results.

The majority of people with hair loss and thinning hair have the family history of hair loss. Though this is true, it does not mean that we cannot reverse the process.

Hair loss is multifactorial; there are many processes that take place during hair growth, therefore for the best results we must look into combination therapies.

There are mechanical treatments such as PRP injections and microneedling, prescription medications, and vitamins unique in their approach to stimulate hair growth. They are synergistic when used together.

Women tend to get greater results than men.

It is recommended to start with 3 – 4   PRP scalp treatments 4 -5 weeks apart followed by maintenance treatments every 6 months. Along with the PRP treatments we offer combination prescription therapies and vitamins.

Don’t wait, start the treatment at early signs of hair loss to get your hair back! The sooner you will start your treatments, the better results you will achieve.

All treatments and consultations at SkinMed are confidential.


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